I Hate Bleu

Pit Reding has always been fascinated by color, how it is used in daily life, and how it can evoke different feelings in people. Green is his favourite color because it is linked to the natural world and gives him a sense of security. When he came to terms with his sexual orientation, he discovered that he loved the color pink, and concluded that that meant that he disliked the color blue.
He wondered why this was the case.
Pit gradually came to understand that his "hatred"/dislike of the color blue stems from the gender stereotypes he was exposed to growing up and how they affect young boys. Pink is associated with the feminine, while blue relates more to the realm of the masculine. By extension, through this binary perspective on gender roles, boys who liked the color pink were typically seen to be gay. You can tell from some of his very early memories that he always liked the color pink. But the pressure of gender stereotypes led him to conceal his love of the color pink.
At a young age, he realise that he was different and, that he, in fact, likes boys. Because he did not want to be different than most people, Pit tried to hide his sexuality as well as his love of the color pink.
Growing up in this environment considerably distorted his perception of what he liked and disliked. After coming out and embracing his true self without any fear of judgment, Pit tends to think that he hates blue. He associates the color with a version of himself from the past that did not correspond to who he truly was and that forced him to conform to this kind of gendered color perception.
Growing up, comments like "Pink is so gay" had a significant impact on him. Because the contrast between blue and pink had an effect
on his own sexual development, he wants to address it in his photo